About Us

About Us

Superfake Bags is a manufacturer of superfake quality Hermès, Chanel and Louis Vuitton bags, amongst other luxury brands. The exact same luxury quality without the luxury price tag.

All our bags use the exact same leather, hardware and materials and are produced by the same manufacturers as luxury brands. We believe that luxury should be defined by the quality of the product, not by the price tag.

Our commitment to true superfake quality bags and the best shopping experience possible have enabled us to quickly build a client base in the thousands, which includes former Hermès and Chanel collectors.

We believe that consumers today are smarter and know that the expensive bags they buy aren’t expensive to make, but expensive to sell given the legacy structure of luxury brands with hundreds of prominent stores, and expensive brand marketing campaigns including celebrity ads and fashion shows.

In most cases, luxury brands are marking up their products by 1,000% or more. Our focus is on the consumers who care about the quality and value.

Consider the luxury handbag made from the same sumptuous leather, sturdy hardware and materials, built to stand the test of time, and finished with the brand’s status-imbuing label at a reasonable price. You want the same exact high- uality materials, the same meticulous craftsmanship, at a price that is affordable. We call it Smart Luxury.

We have a small factory in Guangzhou, China, and are vertically integrated with the leading leather importers and metal hardware manufacturers.

Our team of artisans have decades of experience in luxury goods craftsmanship, and some worked previously at Hermès and Chanel. Our highly skilled artisans examine the authentic bags closely to replicate your bag with the precise stitching, embossing, and other construction details used by luxury brands.

We source our leather from the same Italian suppliers as the luxury brands, and use similar leather grains, textures, and quality as the authentic products. We use original hardware like zippers and clasps and identifying serial numbers, codes, and blind stamps.

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